is a social sentiment tool powered by Bico.Media, MoneyButton and Whatsonchain.
Anyone can share their sentiment on a index for 0.02 USD by signing up for a MoneyButton account.
You can earn bitcoin to vote by using the Earn Vote link in the navbar.
By tracking sentiment using Bitcoin(SV) ledger we can ensure integrity and immutability of every sentiment vote.
Anyone can watch our voting system and see if manipulation or other forms of hacking has occured.
Each index is also deployed on chain and has a txid. Simply put it is impossible to hack the voting system and
costly to manipulate it. If you want to manipulate votes you will only be paying the index owner! also allows anyone to create and monetize their own indices in return for a $10 USD fixed cost + 50%
voting revenue share. All indices now come with an immutable comment section where anyone can share a thought for
0.01 USD. All comment revenue goes to index owners.
Anyone can be an index oracle for any market. Please check our existing indices if you want
to avoid similar indices, but anyone can technically own what ever index they want. Getting votes is reliant on
marketing index. Voting and claims revenue is used to pay for maintaining and growing the service.
We are based out of Toronto, Canada.
Got a question? We've got answers. If you have other questions contact us using button below.
Bitcoin SV is the original bitcoin public ledger, an enterprise public ledger with large blocks which can store gigabytes of transactions making it ideal for projects with high number of interactions and transactions.
The Bitcoin blockchain offers immutability, transparency and security. Once a vote or sentiment is recorded as a transaction in a block, it will stay there forever along with its metadata. Anyone has the ability to check for the validity of the data at any time.
A vote costs $0.02 USD. The more votes an index receives the more money an index owner can earn. earns voting revenue from indices we deploy plus our voting revenue share with 3rd party index owners. Comment revenue is revenue generated from the comment section of an index. Each comment is $0.01 USD and which goes directly to index owner.
Anyone can claim a index for a fixed cost of $10.00 USD plus 50% share in voting revenue. Adding a comment section to an index is additional $5.00 USD. All comment revenue goes to index owner. You can track sentiment for a stock, cryptocurrency, commodities, politics, events, celebs, athletes and even your own business!
Anyone from anywhere can vote with 2 pennies! If someone manipulates the vote they pay the index owner. Manipulating an index is a costly signal.
If your index can be charted on Tradingview there is an option to embed a chart.